Current campaigns

Below is a list of our current campaigns with a short description. To see any latest updates please choose one from the list on the right. Or if you want to see all news/updates in a chronological order, you can just visit the News & Updates section.


The Pension dispute came about because of universities’ proposals to slash the benefits of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension scheme. UCU calculated that this would leave a typical lecturer almost £10,000 a year worse off in retirement than under the current set-up.

Local Pay Negotiations

UCU negotiates your pay directly with College. More members  = greater influence. We negotiate wages for all academic and academic-related workers at Imperial College London.

Health & Safety

UCU represents staff on Health & Safety and Equality & Diversity Committees

Bullying & Harassment

UCU holds the College in check for a range of issues including bullying, harassment, redundancy etc.

Transparency & Academic Freedom

UCU is pushing the College for greater Transparency and Academic Freedom.