About Imperial College UCU

To join the UCU click here: www.ucu.org.uk/join

Who we are

We are the Imperial College branch of UCU, which is the largest trade union and professional association for academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff working in further and higher education throughout the UK.

UCU was built on the shared experience and expertise of two strong unions, the AUT and NATFHE, and brings together academics, lecturers, trainers, instructors, researchers, administrators, managers, computer staff, librarians and postgraduates from universities, colleges, adult education and training organisations. It is affiliated to the TUC but is not associated with any political party.

For further general information on UCU please see here: www.ucu.org.uk

What we do

We have a wide range of activities and campaigns, but below are some of the main areas:

We negotiate wages for all academic and academic-related workers at Imperial College London each year. More members = greater influence.

We support and assist our members when difficulties arise at work over contracts, disputes, bullying, harassment, redundancy etc. We will listen to any issues and concerns that our members have and support you. We can sit in on any meeting a member has with management, and can call on UCU’s regional staff and legal advisors when necessary. We have the support of experienced regional and national full-time officers to advise and assist you with legal support, if required.

We are consulted by the College on any restructuring issues that affect employment. UCU is represented on the Imperial College Joint Committee, which meets each term with most of the Deans and whose joint secretary is one of the senior personnel officers.  This provides an early opportunity to negotiate over changes in employment procedures and to raise any issues of concern.

We represent staff on Health and Safety, Equality & Diversity Committees.

We send delegates to UCU’s Council to decide national policy, including campaigning issues and any industrial action.

As a UCU member you will have the power to influence and improve the terms and conditions of your employment and working environment.

But most importantly, we listen to you!

As a UCU member you will have the power to influence and improve the terms and conditions of your employment and working environment. To join please apply here.

Committee members

Anyone who is a member is free to join the committee meetings and contribute. Meetings usually take place at lunchtime once a month. For more information please contact us:

Branch Officers

President: Vijay Tymms (Physics)

Vice President: Tom Pike (EEE)

Secretary: Roddy Slorach (Disability Advisory Service)

Treasurer: Joanne Chaffin (Business School)

Health & Safety Reps: David Clements (Physics), Roddy Slorach & Vijay Tymms

Recruitment & Membership Secretary: Masis Bugoz (Business School)

Equality & Diversity Officer: Lotte Kestner (Maths)

Environment Officer: Simon Levey (Grantham Institute)

We also have vacant posts for a Pensions Officer and Communications & Publicity Officer as well as others. Please get in touch if interested in taking on a role.

Additional Committee Members

Toby Andrew (Department of Metabolism, Digestion & Reproduction)

Steve Connolly (Life Sciences)

Alastair Crabtree (Physics)

Fay Dowker (Physics)

Liz Elvidge (Human Resources)

Ruth Herd (CLCC)

Rebecca Stewart (Design Engineering)

David Stockdale (ICT)

Nousheen Tariq (FoM Postgraduate Education)

Manuela von Papen (CLCC)

Matthew Wraith (CLCC)

Robert Zimmerman (Earth Science and Engineering)