Current Imperial UCU industrial action


All three trade unions at Imperial College (UCU, Unison, and Unite) are in dispute with the College over the 2022-23 pay award. All three unions also have a 6 month mandate to take industrial action lasting until October 2023.
This post summarises why we are on strike: 

This post shows why the Imperial 2023-24 pay offer is barely an improvement on the national:

A 12 minute video giving a clear overview of the situation:

Strike action

The three unions have informed the College they will be taking three days of discontinuous strike action over the dispute on:

Monday 2nd October
Tuesday 3rd October
Wednesday 18th October

We are asking that all staff members of Imperial UCU withdraw their labour for all of these three days, and, if possible, join our picket lines, unless the dispute gets resolved. More information to follow on this strike action soon.

Our recommendation on declaring strike action to management is here.

Action short of strike (ASOS)

Imperial UCU have authorisation to commence ASOS for the following categories from Thursday 25th May 2023. We are asking the members of Imperial UCU participate in all of these forms of ASOS from this date:

Working to contract; Not covering for colleagues; Not undertaking any voluntary duties including Open Days; Not making up work missed during industrial action; Removing uploaded materials related to, and/or not sharing materials related to, work that will be or has been cancelled as a result of strike action; Not providing materials for others to cover work during industrial action; Boycott of annual TOAST survey; Boycott of staff surveys and training, including Imperial essentials training; Non-participation in departmental and college-wide special events.

Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB)

Imperial UCU have been authorised to commence a MAB from Wednesday 17th May as part of the dispute.

Imperial UCU is asking all staff UCU members involved in summative assessment duties to cease undertaking these duties starting from 17th May, and continuing until either (a) the dispute is settled, (b) the branch calls off the boycott, or, (c) the end of the mandate is reached in October.

Our recommendation on declaring MAB action is here.

Further details on the Imperial UCU MAB can be found on our MAB page.

Please contact with any questions, comments, or concerns.

UCU and Unite members picketing, May 2023